Monday, 26 September 2011

The Target Audience For Our Music Video

 The target audience for the music video which we are creating, is for the age range of 12 years old- 22 years old. This is because the music is energetic and upbeat, therefore is typical for this age range. This genre of music is generally used in venues such as nightclubs, parties and general interest for this age range. I think this age range for our target audience links in with the 'Use and Gratifications' theory which was created by Blumler & Katz (1974). I think this agre range is in need of the diversion from everyday life and pressures, especially as this is the age range for secondary school children, all the way to people at university.  I think our music video allows these people to escape from their pressures, and enjoy the music and lift up their spirits. I think that people could also find personal relationships through socialising about the video with other people.

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